I Am Bread

I Am Bread 9.0

Imagen I Am Bread 9.0
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  • Developer:

    Bossa Studios

  • OS:

    Windows 8

  • License:


  • Updated:

    January 30, 2022

  • "Reach the target with a slice of bread"

Today there are simulators of all types that put you in the skin of goats, surgeons and, in this case, a simple piece of sandwich bread. I Am Bread is very original and poses a gameplay that has nothing to do with the mechanics of simulation, since it is quite simple.

In a short time you will handle with total ease the bread that you will represent, which has as only objective to become a toast. Achieving this does not have to involve the use of a toaster, as any element that produces heat is used for this purpose. So, your mission is to find these objects so that your body begins to toast. They are present both in the kitchen and in other locations.

To toast and smear with the substance you want you can perform several actions. Some of them can only be carried out in certain game modes that are included in I Am Bread, with racing being the most exciting of all.